Meet Helen

Helen is a wife, mother, mother in law Granny and follower of Jesus who wants to encourage others in their journey of faith. Fumbling through faith was birthed from her own journey of falling down, missing the mark and just simply getting it more wrong than right sometimes, but the best news is that Jesus always gives her the chance to try again.

The journey of faith is not easy and so much of the journey of women in the church is clouded by shadow of the woman mentioned in Proverbs 31, which can be misunderstood as an example of perfection God asked us to be.

Women of faith still struggle with the real life scenarios that ALL women go through but it is often not talked about in the church. Helen wants to break away from the shadow of perfection and open up discussions about life, faith , health struggles and so much more.

The truth is we ALL fumble through faith from time to time, but we can feel so alone when we do. Let’s share and support one another on the journey. Let’s listen to women from other faiths and with no faith at all to hear about their journey too so we can learn from and care for one another on the sometimes challenging road called life.

Helen enjoys getting out in the sunshine as much as possible no matter what the weather, learning new ways to live a healthier and more joyful life( which is still possible post menopause) and striving to be the woman God created HER to be without trying to be anyone else. Her goal is to encourage other women to do the same.